ETD Inox Industries, since 1994, offers a range of comprehensive solutions in terms of design, development, manufacturing and start-up of the various processes which a liquid or solid product requires.
Stainless Steel Processing Experts
From its facilities in Casas Ibañez (Albacete), ETD Inox Industries offers, advises and develops turnkey projects for the storage, dosing and agitation of liquid and solid products, manufacturing in steel and automating all production phases. Certifying and warranting the quality of our work for the client, fostering the personal and professional development of our workers.
Our technical means, production and transport offer global solutions to the diverse necessities posed by the different sectors for food and industrial offering solutions to the challenges of the new Industry 4.0.
As a result, our area of operation work covers both national as well as international territory. Having the human resources that, together with our experience, enables us to adapt and deliver effective solutions, always according to product characteristics for which our work is intended.
Thank you for placing your trust in us.
ETD Inox Industries, offers its services as regards technical advice, project development and turnkey projects.
Our experience enables us to develop integral projects where the mechanical work is combined, which includes the manufacture of the various products in stainless steel, (tanks, equipment, installation of pipes, valves, filters, pumps …), with the electrical and electronic work, in order to offer comprehensive and programmable facilities.
Automating the various processes which a product requires insofar as its conveyance is concerned.
Manufacturing liquids dosing systems, weighing system, filling and emptying of tanks/silos, in order to control in an autonomous manner all necessary processes.
ETD Inox Industries is fully committed to implementing the management quality and continuous improvement strategy of all our processes and activities, through the most stringent standards of quality and excellence.
In this manner, continuing with the furtherance of quality in the management having recently obtained the following Certifications:
- Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR). Manufacturer’s Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR) No.: TET-01-12
- Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR). Manufacturer’s Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR) No.: TET-01-16
- Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR). Manufacturer’s Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR). No.: TET-01-17
- Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR). Manufacturer’s Welding procedure qualification record (WPQR) No.: TET-02-17
ETD Inox Industries, in order to facilitate our growth in foreign countries, annual investments are made for activities related to exports, attaching great importance to the expansion abroad.
We have sales and installations in England, France, Belgium, French Guiana, Barbados, Jamaica, Algeria, Ecuador, Trinidad and Tobago and the Dominican Republic.
ETD Inox Industries, offers its services as regards technical advice, project development and turnkey projects.
Our experience enables us to develop integral projects where the mechanical work is combined, which includes the manufacture of the various products in stainless steel, (tanks, equipment, installation of pipes, valves, filters, pumps …), with the electrical and electronic work, in order to offer comprehensive and programmable facilities.
Automating the various processes which a product requires insofar as its conveyance is concerned.
Manufacturing liquids dosing systems, weighing system, filling and emptying of tanks/silos, in order to control in an autonomous manner all necessary processes.
ETD Inox Industries has certification and quality assurance for its factory production system. This is done with the aim of complying with the standards established by the UNE-EN 1090 regulation, which applies to metal structures.
European regulations state that any metal structure with load-bearing capacity intended for permanent installation must have the CE Marking certificate.
Within the Factory Production Control (FPC) process, which encompasses compliance with the CE Marking, a Welding Quality Control Plan is included. This plan is validated, monitored, and certified by a notified certification body, which carries out strict and continuous monitoring and inspection of all processes.
By obtaining this certificate, ETD Inox Industries guarantees the quality in the manufacturing and supply of the metal structures used in its industrial manufacturing and processing lines.
You can view the certification document here.
EtD Inox Industries applies the following standards, codes and procedures:
UNE EN 15614-1 and 15614-1 Standard. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials.
UNE-EN ISO 9606-1 and 9606-2 Standard. Qualification testing of welders. Fusion welding. Fusion welding.
UNE-EN ISO 15607 Standard. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. General rules.
UNE-EN ISO 3834-1, 3834-2, 3834-3, 3834-4, 3834-5, 3834-6 Standards. Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials.
UNE-EN ISO 14731 Standard. Welding coordination. Tasks and responsibilities.
UNE EN ISO 9712/ EN 473 Standard. Non-destructive testing. Qualification and certification of NDT personnel.
UNE EN ISO 17635 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. General rules for metallic materials.
UNE-EN 14127. Non-Destructive Testing. Ultrasonic thickness measurement.
UNE-EN 13018 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Tests. Visual testing. General principles.
UNE EN ISO 17637 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Visual testing of fusion-welded joints.
UNE EN ISO 5817 Standard. Welding. . Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded). Quality levels for imperfections.
UNE-EN 1371-2 Standard. Casting. Liquid penetrant testing.
UNE-EN 13445-5:2010/A4:2014 Standard Unfired pressure vessels.
UNE-EN 10893-4 Standard. Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Part 4: Liquid penetrant inspection of seamless and welded steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections.
UNE-EN ISO 3452-1 Standard Non destructive testing. Penetrant testing.
Part 1: General principles.
UNE-EN ISO 3452-2 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Penetrant testing.
Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials.
UNE-EN ISO 3452-3 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Penetrant testing.
Part 3: Reference test blocks.
UNE-EN ISO 3452-4 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Penetrant testing.
Part 4: Equipment.
UNE-EN ISO 3452-5 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Penetrant testing.
Part 5: Penetrant testing at temperatures higher than 50 ºC
UNE-EN ISO 3452-6 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Penetrant testing.
Part 6: Penetrant testing at temperatures lower than 10 ºC.
UNE EN 23277 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Penetrant testing of welds. Acceptance levels.
UNE-EN ISO 3059 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing. Viewing conditions.
UNE EN ISO 9934-1 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Magnetic particle testing.
Part 1: General principles.
UNE-EN ISO 9934-2 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Magnetic particle testing.
Part 2: Detection media.
UNE-EN ISO 9934-3 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Magnetic particle testing.
Part 3: Equipment.
UNE-EN ISO 17638 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Magnetic particle testing.
UNE-EN 1369:2013 Standard. Casting. Magnetic particle testing.
UNE-EN 10228-1 Standard. Non-Destructive Testing of steel forgings.
Part 1: Magnetic particle inspection.
UNE-EN 13445-5 Standard. Unfired pressure vessels.
Part 5: Inspection and testing.
UNE-EN ISO 17638 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Magnetic particle testing.
UNE-EN ISO 23278 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Magnetic particle testing. Acceptance levels.
UNE-EN 10893-5 Standard. Non-destructive testing of steel tubes.
Part 5: Magnetic particle inspection of seamless and welded ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of surface imperfections.
UNE-EN ISO 16810 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Ultrasonic testing.
Part 1: General principles.
UNE-EN ISO 16811 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Ultrasonic testing. Sensitivity and range setting.
UNE-EN ISO 16823 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Ultrasonic testing. Transmission technique.
UNE-EN ISO 16826 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Ultrasonic testing. Examination for discontinuities perpendicular to the surface.
UNE-EN ISO 16827 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Ultrasonic testing. . Characterisation and sizing of discontinuities.
UNE-EN ISO 2400 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No. 1.
UNE-EN ISO 7963 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Ultrasonic testing. Specification for calibration block No. 2.
UNE-EN ISO 11666 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Acceptance levels.
UNE-EN ISO 23279 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Ultrasonic testing. Characterisation of discontinuities in welds.
UNE-EN ISO 17640 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Ultrasonic testing. Techniques, testing levels, and assessment.
UNE-EN ISO 17635 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. General rules for metallic materials.
UNE-EN 10228-3 Standard. Non-Destructive Testing of steel forgings. Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings
UNE-EN 12680-1 Standard. Casting. Ultrasonic testing. Steel castings for general purposes.
UNE-EN-ISO: 19232-3 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. X-ray image quality. Part 3: Classes of image quality.
UNE-EN ISO 17636-1 Standard. Non-destructive testing. Radiographic testing. Part 1: X- and gamma-ray techniques with film.
UNE-EN 12681 Standard. Casting. Radiographic examination.
UNE-EN ISO 19232-1 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. X-ray image quality. Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicator.
UNE-EN ISO 19232-2 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. X-ray image quality. Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators.
UNE-EN ISO 19232-3 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. X-ray image quality. Part 3: Classes of image quality.
UNE-EN ISO 19232-4:2014 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. X-ray image quality. Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables.
UNE-EN 25580 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Industrial radiographic illuminators. Minimum requirements (ISO 5580: 1985).
UNE-EN ISO 19232-5 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. X-ray image quality. Part 5: Determination of the image unsharpness value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators.
UNE-EN ISO 10675-1 Standard. Non-destructive testing of welds. Acceptance levels for radiographic testing. Part 1: Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys.
UNE-EN ISO 5579 Standard. Non-Destructive Tests. Radiographic testing of metallic materials using film and X- or gamma rays. Basic rules.